14 Eylül 2007 Cuma



Bu tip soru cümleleri biraz daha değişiktir. Herhangi bir cümleyi diğer soru cümlelerinde olduğu gibi yardımcı fiili ya da be’yi özneden önce kullanarak ya da soru kelimelerini kullanarak “tag question” yapamayız. Herhangi bir cümleyi “tag question” şeklinde soru cümlesi yapmak diğer soru cümlelerini yapmak kadar kolaydır ve şöyle yapılır:

Cümlenin “yardımcı fiili” ya da “be” olumlu ise olumsuz olarak, olumsuz ise olumlu olarak cümlenin sonuna yazılır. Öznenin zamiri alınarak o da cümlenin sonuna yazılır ve soru işareti eklenir. Eğer özne zaten zamir durumunda ise aynen yazılır.


You are a student, aren’t you?
You are not a student, are you?

He is an engineer, isn't he?
He is notan engineer, is he?

They will go to school next week, won't they?
They won't go to school next week, will they?

You have been here for an hour, haven't you?
You have not been here for an hour, have you?

Ali has gone to Ankara severel times, hasn't he?
Ali has notgone to Ankara severel times, has he?

Ahmet is playing football, isn’t he?
Ahmet is not playing football, is he?

When the phone rang he was eating breakfast, wasn't he?
When the phone rang he was not eating breakfast, was he?

She likes swimming, doesn’t she?
She does not like swimming, does she?

You speak English, don’t you?
You don't speak English, do you?

I am not watching TV, am I?

I am wacthing TV, aren’t I? (!!!)

Tag question’larda “am” olumsuz olarak yazılırken “amn’t, ya da am not” olarak yazılmaz “aren’t” olarak yazılır.

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